Fifth Annual Purse and Tool Bash

October 25,2024 06:00 PM to October 25,2024 06:45 PM


Join us for the Fifth Annual Purse and Tool Bash, taking place on Friday, October 25, 2024, from the comfort of your own home! 

All proceeds will benefit the Passavant Hospital Foundation Cancer Care Fund, which supports UPMC Passavant cancer patients, by assisting with costs associated with medication, housing, food, transportation, and end-of-life care.

Ticket Information

Purchase Your Tickets Now! 

Purse Bash Ticket: $25     

Purse Side Raffle Ticket: $5     

Five - Purse Side Raffle Tickets: $20     

Tool Bash Ticket: $25

Tool Side Raffle Ticket: $5

Five - Tool Side Raffle Tickets: $20


50/50 Ticket: $5

Five - 50/50 Tickets: $20

Purse and Tool Bash Ticket Package: $80

Includes the Following:
Purse Bash Ticket, Tool Bash Ticket, Five - Purse Side Raffle Tickets, Five - Tool Side Raffle Tickets and Five - 50/50 Tickets


*Each Purse Bash and Tool Bash Ticket has a chance at winning each item.
For example, if you purchased the Purse Bash Ticket, you would have the chance at winning each purse. If your name is drawn for the first purse in the drawing, your name is placed back into the "bucket" for a chance to continue winning.*

Check Out 2023 Purse and Tools!